PeerBlock is hard-coded to use I-Blocklist lists and has entered into a revenue-sharing agreement with I-Blocklist. Since September 2013 updates were limited to once weekly, except to paid subscribers. Until September 2013, I-Blocklist, the supplier of the blocking lists PeerBlock uses, supported unlimited free list updating. A list of settings allows users to both customize their program's interface as well as its operations. The program allows for a user to turn on and off both IP and HTTP trackers as well as including a log showing the time, source, IP address, destination, and protocol of the tracker. Such as a constantly updating blocklist managed by the home site and a manager that lets you choose which lists to include in the block. PeerBlock has added multiple features in the latest version of the program. Future donations are intended to contribute to future signed drivers, hosting and to possibly rent a virtual private server on which the team should be able to build a "real" online-update feature for future releases of PeerBlock. Hosting, as well as the signed driver, is funded by donations from the public. PeerBlock is under development by a small team of developers led by Mark Bulas. When the PeerGuardian project ended, its developer Phoenix Labs encouraged current PeerGuardian users to migrate to PeerBlock. It adds support for 32- and 64-bit Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
PeerBlock 1.0 is based on the same code as PeerGuardian 2 RC1 Test3 Vista version. Comparison of Internet Relay Chat clients.